SAFETANK: Protected Fuel Tanks
Custom Designed, Multilayered, Ballistic Protection for Fuel Tanks
Hutchinson offers self-sealing and other fuel tank protection that guards the vehicle and its passengers from the dangerous effects of ballistic and shrapnel impacts.
Seal the Tank, Complete the Mission...
All types of vehicles can be subjected to the dangers of an explosion caused by gunfire, mines and shrapnel. To increase survivability, a vehicle with the appropriate protection is required. This is particularly important for the fuel tank where damage can both immobilize the vehicle and cause a fire or explosion dangerous to crew and passengers. Vehicles equipped with a Hutchinson SafeTank solution can complete the mission and return crews safely.
Ballistic protection
Regardless of the conditions, if a vehicle’s fuel tank is punctured, shot, or encounters heavy impacts, then fuel leakage must be prevented. Sealing the wound of a fuel tank maintains vehicle mobility by eliminating the loss of fuel and reduces the risk of fire and explosion.
The SAFETANK is protected by a specially developed self-sealing outer coating. Entry and exit holes seal instantly, retaining the fuel inside the tank and minimizing the potential ignition of spilled fuel.
Weight saving
Fuel tanks made of steel or protected with armor plates add a significant amount of weight. Any reduction of vehicle weight allows for increased payload, improved fuel mileage, and optimized suspension/dynamic behavior.
With a Hutchinson SAFETANK, there is no need for armored plates and the tank itself can be made of lighter weight sheet metal, plastic or aluminum, resulting in a significant weight saving.
Custom design/retrofit
Each application requires an engineered solution.
Hutchinson can develop a SAFETANK design for:
- New vehicle designs
- Retrofits on existing platforms
- Protection of existing tanks
Also, this protection is:
- Paintable
- Available in KIT FORM
Abrasion resistance
Tanks can be mounted inside or outside the frame of the vehicle. When mounted outside they are subjected to the rough conditions of both the terrain and weather.
The outer layer of the SAFETANK is very robust and has high abrasion resistance. It will survive the harsh conditions seen by military off-road vehicles. It has been developed to limit the impact of UV.
The danger of explosion increases when a tank is punctured with gunshots or shrapnel.
Solution: The SAFETANK can be filled with metal mesh insert EXPLOSHIELD™ or flexible explosion resistant foam, which allows constant fuel flow with minimum fuel displacement.
The insert minimizes the risk of:
- Ignition by gunfire, explosives, and electrical shorts
- Vapor explosion
It also attenuates possible slosh.
Flame retardant
When a vehicle fire occurs, it is important to prevent it from spreading to the fuel tank for as long as possible.
Solution: The SAFETANK has an outer flame-retardant layer which is essential to heat resistance. This valuable layer is resistant to heat damage along with chemicals and fuel.
When applied to a metallic tank, local repairing after a shooting is possible with the use of a repair patch in the damaged area. This process can be done in the field.

Fire Suppressant
An added protection feature to the Hutchinson Safetank is a Fire Suppression system which can be offered to avoid the risk of fire. The fire suppressant will be immediately released after shooting or blast impact to extinguish any flame and to prevent fuel ignition of a fire.